Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services 国际服务贸易统计工作队
First, statistics system of trade in services has been established. 首先我们建立了服务贸易的统计体系。
According to Taiwan's "Ministry of Economy" statistics, the volume of trade between mainland and Taiwan last year was 20.9 billion US dollars. 据台经济部统计,去年两岸贸易额为二百零九亿美元。
I love to learn the vital statistics about the scale of a sector, and trade bodies are often repositories of expert knowledge. 我喜欢了解有关某个行业规模的关键统计数据,而贸易协会往往是一部部专业知识宝典。
According to statistics issued by the Department of Trade, US economy will grow by 1.1% in the second season of 2002. 根据商务部发布的资料,美国经济在二○○二会计年度第二季成长百分之一点一。
According to 2001 statistics, of the total entrepot trade handled by Hong Kong, more than a half was from China's mainland and the United States. 2001年的数据显示,中国内地和美国占了香港转口贸易的半壁江山。
He studied microscopically the statistics of trade. 他极仔细地研究了贸易统计数字。
The Appendices provide summary statistics of external trade. 有关对外贸易统计数字的摘要,载列于附录。
According to the statistics of the organization of trade and development of the United nations, there are several swindling acts each month and swindling causes a loss of up to billions of US dollars annually. 根据联合国贸易和发展组织的数据,每月都有多起诈骗案发生,而每年因诈骗造成的损失达数十亿美元。
Statistics show that 90% of the world's trade, and over 80% of China's foreign trade is paid in letter of credit. 据统计,目前以信用证方式结算的贸易额占世界贸易总额的90%,占我国对外贸易额的80%以上。
There are definition of service trade based on statistics of international balance of payment, the trade and development meeting of the United Nations and the WTO. 服务贸易的定义有基于国际收支统计的定义、联合国贸易与发展会议的定义和世界贸易组织的定义。
According to the basic information of customs statistics, the paper analyzes the facts of import and export trade of the China's mineral products in 2002 Also the main characteristics of china's mineral product trade in 2002 are summarized 根据中国海关统计数据,跟踪研究分析了2002年中国矿产品进出口贸易的情况,归纳总结出2002年中国矿产品进出口贸易的一些主要特点
Meanwhile, empirical studies and statistics show that the evolution of the international trade pattern leads to changing operational mechanisms for trade competition and alliances. 同时,相关的实证研究和统计数据亦表明国际贸易格局的演化促成了贸易竞争与联盟运行机制的转变。
According to the statistics, 80% of the trade barriers result from TBT. 据统计,当今世界贸易壁垒的80%来自于贸易技术壁垒。
According to statistics, ninety percent of the international trade of goods was transported by sea, the carriage of goods by sea resulting in rapid development. 据统计,百分之九十的国际贸易货物是经过海上运输完成的,海上货物运输从而得到了迅速的发展。
According to trade statistics of 2010, the value of Shandong-ASEAN trade was ranked the fourth in domestic, only after Guangdong, Shanghai and Jiangsu. 2010年,山东与东盟贸易仅落后于广东、上海、江苏,排第四位。
The latter part makes a quantitative analysis by using the statistics of Maritime Custom trade. 在后一部分中则主要通过海关贸易统计进行量化分析。
According to the statistics of WTO, at present, there are 170 regional trade agreements that are already informed and put them into effect. However, in 170 trade agreements 39 were produced in the Western Hemisphere. 根据世界贸易组织统计,目前已经通知并正在实施的区域贸易协定已经达到170个,而170个贸易协定中的39个产生在西半球。
Flow statistics reflect the participation of one country in international trade transactions during the accounting period, and stock statistics is the accumulation of international payments flow value of one country in a period. 流量统计反映核算期内一国参与国际贸易的交易情况,而存量统计则是一段时期内一国国际收支流量的积累。
According to the statistics of previous years, it is anticipated that the external trade of China will continue to seize a considerable portion of its national economy. 根据以往各年的数据可以预测,中国的对外贸易仍然会在中国国民经济中占有巨大比重。
At the end of this chapter, it uses statistics of WTO, illustrates that intra-product trade is not the principal reason for Chinese trade friction. 在章末,用WTO的统计数据,说明产品内贸易并非是我国贸易摩擦的根源。
The third chapter is the descriptive statistics analysis of the current production and trade of paper products in China. 第三章利用描述性统计法分析我国纸制品生产和贸易现状。
Therefore, international trade competitive credit sales ( O/ A) and acceptance ( D/ A) favored by the buyer, according to statistics, now of the international trade transactions 80% are using these two kinds of payment. 因此,国际贸易中极具竞争优势的赊销(O/A)和承兑交单(D/A)备受买方青睐,据统计,现在的国际贸易交易中80%都是采用这两种支付方式。
According to the Statistics of Trade and Industry Bureau, the average lifespan of SMEs in China is only 3-4 years. 据工商局统计显示,我国中小企业的平均寿命只有3-4年。